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The Gallery is a place that focuses on the beauty and diversity of nature. As soon as you enter, you feel the philosophy of the place, thanks to the spacious, elongated Landing area, reminiscent of an art gallery. The Landing area is the entrance to a world of beauty and inspiration. It leads into the Living area, where the surroundings come to life.

The Living area offers a breathtaking view of the stunning landscape of St. Moritz, which through the large windows becomes a living canvas that adapts to the seasons.

The Via Tinus, as one of the most prestigious location in St. Moritz, reveals a magical view of St. Moritz, framed by a row of picturesque traditional houses. From this street there is a spectacular view of the majestic natural beauty of Lake St. Moritz. The crystal- clear waters of the lake reflect the peaks of the surrounding Alps, creating a perfect harmony between heaven and earth.

The atmosphere here is suspended between historical elegance and the pristine purity of nature, giving visitors a feeling of wonder and serenity in the face of this extraordinary spectacle.

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